The Changing Tides  

Europe’s approach toward cannabis is more of a policy level approach. 

Germany holds the third largest  market of cannabis in a legalized field. Perhaps, the best lessons can be gleaned from this leading economy. Its successes and pitfalls can be of great learning importance to assist in understanding marijuana. 

For the past to three years, Germany has made significant strides in forming an environment that controls the medicinal usage of cannabis. 

Over sixty thousand patients with various complications have successfully been  treated 

 with cannabis since  the year 2017. 

The legalized sector has even allowed health care providers, such as insurance schemes , to provide health care services. 

This is the extent of the shift in Germany. 

It is with great pride that key lessons are being used as a model to the rest of the European Union from Germany’s approach. 

The Legal Approach  

Fundamental to the regulation of cannabis in any given society, should be addressed in great detail and as objectively as possible Calgary delivery mybudplace

Some.of the lessons that countries in the European Union can adopt from Germany, is by first creating a regulative body that is responsible for the control of the substance. 

Countries will also need to interrogate  how they implement the guidelines and measures from state to state.  

In the case of Germany, possession and purchase of the drug is penalized from one state to the next in a different manner, based on the age of the adult, and its bylaws set in that area. 

Exploring The Medicinal Value. 

Cannabis has been legal in Germany since the year 2017.  

Legalization of cannabis provides a framework in which the drug can be prescribed in controlled measure.  

The main beneficiaries are those who have ailments that cannot be cured nor treated therapeutically. 

There are harmful effects of Cannabis, but there is also no denying of the fact that there have been many cases of successfully treating patients. 

It can be argued that a controlled environment allows a government to monitor the distribution, use and administration of the drug.  

This is in sharp contrast to those who advocate for its banishment. 

The counter argument also follows that there are recordings of the monetary gains cannabis has contributed to the economy of Germany . 

 It has been stated to have benefitted the economy with about seventy three million dollars to date. 

The Cultural Effect. 

The records state that around four million citizens of Germany partake in Marijuana. 

Futher records also indicate that it is both socially and medicinally consumed. 

That being said, the controlled environment allows for the free usage of cannabis. 

 It is no longer a shunned nor admonished product, but more of a socially acceptable product in the market. 

The Overall European Response. 

Europe’s Changing Approach to Cannabis has put the continent at the forefront of how society is viewing cannabis.  

With more documented publications and evidence highlighting the benefit on medical grounds, there is further support for governments to support legalization of cannabis. 

There is also evidence that by the year 2023, the European Union, as a whole is likely to adopt legalization of cannabis.